Plotpoints Podcast Episode 112, 2017.10.08

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#november11 #frankchindamo

Show notes Plotpoints Podcast. October 08, 2017- ep12

Mark Sevi, Shadia Sephernia, Mary Claire Anderson

NOTE:  Our discussion on double standards in Hollywood took place before producer Harvey Weinstein was fired.

00:00:00 – Intro#maryclaireanderson

00:00:39 – Host Chat#marksevi #maryclarieanderson #shadiasephernia

Welcome to Ms Shadia!  Toby is at podcasting convention to learn how to make us more bettterer.  Thanks, Tobe!

00:00:30 – Discussion on Shadia’s new short film with Mary Claire producing.

– Shadia’s YouTube Channel : HERE

– New Media Expert Frank Chindamo coming to OC Screenwriters event. LEARN NOW TO RISE ABOVE THE NOISE and GET NOTICED!

00:00:8:30 – Discussion: Is there a double standard in Hollywood?  Discussion on sexual harassment.

Hollywood is a very small town. 00:17:15 – What Are We Watching?Mark Sevi, Mary Claire Anderson, Shadia Sephernia

Mark: #StarTrekDiscovery – new Star Trek series and the older movies

MC: #crazyexgirlfriend #fuckmeraybradbury

Shadia: #atlanta #willandgrace


00:25:00 – Mark’s Great Writer/Movie/TV FocusMark Sevi

The incredible Coen Brothers, Joel and Ethan.

#bloodsimple #crimewave #raisingarizona #millerscrossing #bartonfink #hudsuckerproxy #fargo #thebiglebowski #thenakedman #obrotherwhereartthou #themanwhowasntthere #intolerablecruelty #theladykillers #nocountryforoldmen #burnafterreading #aseriousman #truegrit #inside llewlyndavis #unbroken  #bridgeofspies #hailcaeser #suburbicon #cormacmcarthy #miseenscene

 Discussion MC and Shadia – opening with a villain

00:42:16 – This Week in Television and FilmMary Claire Anderson

Friday Night Lights: #fridaynightlights #momhasgreattaste #cleareyesfullheart #relationshipgold #johncarterfrommars

No Country For Old Men: #coenbrothers

00:46:45 Q&AMark Sevi

(1) How should a script open?  Any “rules?”  How do you write a great opening? (Thanks, Jamie)

(2) Should I write to market trends?

(3) How do I avoid cliches in my work?

Call (919) Scripts and leave your questions.

00:60:32 – Act IIIMark Sevi

How to write Intros.  The Contract With The Audience (copyright Mark Sevi)

#contractwiththeaudience #halloweentown

00:54:30 – Outro

HEY!  Tell us what is your favorite Scifi, Romantic Comedy or Comic Book movie?  Call (919) Scripts and shout it out to us.

Saying ciao until next time!

Resources: 919-SCRIPTS to leave a message/ask questions. (show blog and more)

Writers Guild Registration –

U.S. Copyright Office – Podcast available on iTunes

All Material copyright (c) Mark Sevi