Prepping 2nd Show
So, we learned a lot from our first podcast and hope to incorporate those lessons into this next one. Primary is our desire to push the writing side of the podcast and/or funnel everything toward a writing slant. After all, in the bigger scheme of things we as writers don’t have any control over production values, budget, actors, etc. We control the story and that only up to a point once something gets sold. And so all that writing stuff, not production stuff, should be our focus since we are a writer-based team of podcasters although we do have other skills obviously.
An interesting offer came out of my “appearance” on the Le Laporte Show ( – it’s something that came out of left field and is a great opportunity. We’ll (hopefully) be offering more on this later.
I don’t think we’re going to have a guest on this next ‘cast. I want to rethink all that. But we promise we’ll have a great show no matter what! Or that’s the plan. [themify_icon link=”http://” icon=”fa-smile-o”]
We’re hoping for some feedback via this site and/or our phone numbers. Got something to add/suggest/offer/say? Call us! Numbers on the sidebar.
Onward to the next adventure in podcasting…