Show Music

If you’re wondering why there’s a link to music themes on this website it’s because I used to be a professional musician (still a plunker, keys, guitar and drums) and I really wanted to compose the musical theme for the podcast.  I have a small midi keyboard and Acid Pro which allows you to put loops and midi on tracks and make music!

So I started composing.  Under 1 minute I was told.  Great.  Not a problem.

I intend on doing one a day so we have a choice.

Doing that is therapeutic for me.  I really enjoy it and almost feel guilty for taking time from my “real” work to plunk around in a midi world.

But, then again, it’s my contention that everything, I mean everything, is important and music is a huge part of my life even years after I’ve stopped performing live.  The best I can do and be – It’s been the way I’ve approached everything in my life including scriptwriting, my classes and the Orange County Screenwriters Association.  So, although I could buy a theme – there’s also plenty of free ones – I feel like I want to get this just right and I think I can do that.

Note:  Editing this on May 10th – I’ve done 20 so far and none are quite right. MC said one sounds a porno theme. – she’s right but she says that like it’s a bad thing [themify_icon link=”http://” icon=”fa-smile-o”]

I will be continuing even after we have used some of what I did for our first show.  I hate to say this but I’m happy that we haven’t found the right sound yet – it gives me a reason to keep composing.  Heehee.